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What Is the Best Way To Prevent a Pest Infestation?

There are dozens of common household pests, each capable of wreaking their own type of havoc. Rodents can chew through just about anything, cockroaches discreetly munch on food waste, and termites can destroy the very foundation of your home. And that’s just three examples!

But you can take steps to prevent a pest infestation from ever happening.

It can be time consuming and require a lot of effort to get rid of a pest infestation. However, preventing pests is a lot easier. All it really takes is some simple upkeep.

Remove sources of food, water, and shelter.

Like humans, common house pests don’t take kindly to the outdoors, especially when it is excessively hot or cold. Pests much prefer the temperature-controlled comfort of the indoors. Besides shelter, pests like ants, rodents, and roaches enjoy easy access to food and water. Suffice to say, when pests find their way inside, they intend to stay.

We all occasionally leave out food wrappers and often don’t bother to clean up the crumbs on the floor or kitchen counter. When it comes to pest prevention, you will fare much better by regularly and thoroughly cleaning your home. The smallest crumbs can sustain pests. And when they find one crumb, they will keep returning in hopes to find more.

You should also keep hard to reach areas tidy, as these can be harborage points for rodents and other pests. For example, people often store cleaning supplies and other materials under the kitchen sink. A rodent can find shelter wedged between the wall and supplies. They may be less likely to stay for long periods of time if the area is clean and they are unable to hide.

Store food in sealed plastic or glass containers. Place garbage containing food scraps in tightly covered bins and remove from your home regularly.

Trust us—pests will rummage through garbage if given the chance. Use covered garbage bins as opposed to open-top bins. This will help seal away food scraps and prevent food odors from escaping, which can alert pests that food is nearby. Properly storing garbage is only half the battle—you need to remove it from the premises regularly, replacing garbage bins with new trash bags.

As mentioned above, the smallest crumbs can spell big trouble. Store food in sealed containers and place it in the cupboard or fridge.

Fix leaky plumbing and don’t let water accumulate anywhere in the home.

For pests, a reliable water source can be hard to come by. This is why many pests seek shelter: easy access to water. If you have water leaks anywhere in your home or business, now is the time to grab a wrench or call a plumber. Remember, pests are tiny and need only a few drops of water to survive. Even small leaks can attract a pest infestation. Check your kitchen and bathroom sinks, toilets, bathtubs and showers, and outdoor spigots for leaks, fixing any that you find.

Caulk cracks and crevices around cabinets or baseboards. Cover any holes with wire mesh. Fill spaces around pipes.

You might not think it possible for anything—let alone a pest—to slip inside your home through a tiny crack. In fact, pests can get inside through cracks, crevices, and holes. Take a good look around the exterior of your home or business to identify any openings. Use caulk to seal cracks, and wire mesh to cover larger holes.

And yes, pests—rodents in particular—can wriggle into your home through pipes. They can even make it inside through the pipes in your toilet—here is a National Geographic video showing just how they do it! Make sure to fill any extra space around pipes. If you know of any plumbing problems, contact a professional.

Check for pests in packages or boxes before carrying them into your home.

People often unknowingly bring pests inside on boxes, clothes, and luggage. Experts think one of the main ways bed bugs infest a home is through travel: unsuspecting people bring their luggage inside without knowing the pests are hitching a ride. When you receive a box from Amazon or just returned from vacation, verify there are no signs of pests. Shake things out outside, or leave them in the garage or attic for a few weeks just to be sure.

If you notice pests, use a store-bought control solution or contact a pest control professional.

Taking a few simple steps to prevent pests goes a long way towards keeping pests away. Unfortunately, even if you do take comprehensive precautions, pests can still pop up.

Once you see a pest you should take immediate action. Don’t squash a cockroach or trap a rodent and think they are totally gone. The pests may still be there, hiding and multiplying.

The very first thing you should do is identify the type of pest and where you found it. Understanding the type of pest you’re dealing with will allow you to select the correct type of treatment. And you need to pinpoint their location so you know where to set traps or spray insecticide.

You may have multiple options to choose from. Chemical pest control solutions are more immediate, as the sprays usually kill on contact. Traps and similar items can be purchased online or at the store. Keep in mind: if you take a DIY pest control approach, you need to purchase insecticides or traps designed to kill the specific pest that you have. Stay away from ultrasonic pest repellent, which has been found ineffective.

A pest infestation can turn out to be a big problem that can take time and effort to solve. You can prevent a pest infestation with the simple steps outlined above. This should keep pests away so you never have to deal with them. If you do find yourself with pests, work quickly to find a solution.

While minor infestations can often be handled with a DIY approach, more stubborn infestations will likely require the assistance of a professional pest control service like Good Life Pest Solutions. Professional exterminators have access to more powerful treatments options that homeowners and business owners do not—and also have the experience necessary to track down pests you might have missed.

Have a pest infestation that is hard to get rid of? Give us a call! The experts at Good Life Pest Solutions know how to eliminate pests and keep them gone for good. We’re always here to help—reach out today to schedule an appointment.

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