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Homebuyer Options When Home Inspection Shows Mold

Buying a new home is exciting, whether it’s your first or the fifth home. Sometimes, feelings of excitement and anticipation stop abruptly if things go wrong. For example, what does a potential buyer do when the home inspection shows mold? North American Home Services wants you to know you have options. Keep reading to learn more.

Homebuyer Options When Home Inspection Shows Mold

Mold As a Health Hazard

Black mold contains mycotoxins, which are toxic when released. Moreover, molds such as Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus are linked to cancer. Both of these types of mold are problematic; however, the EPA reports that neither are common on building materials or indoors. Therefore, if a home inspection shows mold, the odds are good that it’s fixable. The question is, how do you mitigate?

The Current Homeowner Addresses the Mold Problem

It’s common for the seller to address mold and other issues revealed in the home inspection. Mitigation can occur in several ways. For instance, the seller can issue a credit to the buyer for closing. Another way the seller can address the issue is to fix it themselves. Further, the seller may hire a mold remediation company to tackle the problem. Your realtor often liaises between you and the seller to identify a workable solution.

If the homeowner is aware of the mold, they should disclose the issue prior to the home inspection. However, it’s not uncommon to find mold in places like basements or crawlspaces where it may have gone unnoticed. Further, this isn’t necessarily a cause for alarm or for the deal to fall through. 

Bring in an Expert 

You can choose to enlist the help of a mold professional. A reputable company will test for mold to confirm the type of mold. Depending on the type of mold and the extent of the issue, they will advise as to whether the seller or a professional should perform remediation. For example, if a small amount of typical mold grows next to a window sill, they may say the seller can do the work. On the other hand, if there’s extensive mold or toxic mold, they’ll clearly define the issue and resolution.

Brainstorm with Your Realtor 

Seasoned realtors are well equipped to navigate these types of issues. They can provide options to resolve the issue with the seller, and they likely have a relationship with a qualified mold remediation company. In addition, your realtor and you can join the mold expert to review the issue and discuss options. In any event, don’t lose hope, because the situation is often fixable. 

Be Sure to Get an Inspection

No matter whether you purchase a residential or commercial property, we highly encourage you to pursue a home inspection. Waiving the inspection puts you in the position of responsibility for all issues after the sale. North American Home Services provides professional home inspections in Sacramento and the surrounding areas. Call (916) 481-0268 or schedule an appointment online.

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