February 8, 2023Answers to the most popular questions about a leaking roofThe weather in Sacramento has been extremely wet for the past month and many homeowners have experienced a leaking roof. […]
May 15, 2022Living with Mice? Why Attic Decontamination is NeededMice in the home are never a good thing, and many homeowners assume that once the pest is gone, so […]
May 1, 20223 Benefits of Replacing Attic InsulationWhen was the last time you thought about your attic, let alone replaced attic insulation? If you can’t recall, then […]
June 30, 20214 Inspections for First-Time Homebuyers to ConsiderThe home-buying market continues to thrive, boosting home values right along with it. First-time homebuyers eager to make their purchase […]